About Us
Chi Siamo
Benvenuti su Sportello Certificati, il sito web di Servizi Informativi Company number 14813764, specializzato nella fornitura di certificati e documenti.
Our services are aimed at law firms, professional firms and companies operating in the field of citizenship and need a highly specialized partner operating throughout the Italian territory.
Potete trovare la descrizione completa dei servizi che offriamo con tutte le indicazioni sulle tipologie di certificato che vi occorrono. I nostri servizi sono suddivisi per categoria. La categoria anagrafe comprende tutti i certificati anagrafici che si possono richiedere all’Ufficio Anagrafe del Comune, in particolare: Certificato di residenza, Certificato di stato di famiglia, Certificato contestuale residenza e stato di famiglia, Certificato AIRE, Certificato di cittadinanza, Certificato di immigrazione.
The Civil Status category includes all the civil status certificates that can be requested from the Civil Status Office of the Municipality, in particular: Certificate of death, Certificate of marriage, Certificate of birth, Certificate of existence in life, Certificate of free status.
Do you need any of the certificates listed above? We'll take care of it! On Sportello Certificati you will find the maximum professionalism and availability. We want to retain our customers by offering discounts and benefits.
In addition, you can also view and order your legal documents using the same system. Our products are aimed at companies, professional firms and individuals. We will assist you during the order of the service and after the delivery of the same. We operate throughout the country at competitive prices and without the need for any subscription: the purchase is on consumption. To ask for any clarification on the subject you can send your requests from the contact us page. If you prefer you can contact us by phone at 02-82953560, by e-mail at info@sportellocertificati.it or by chat.